Chinese herbal medicine works through the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or Classical Chinese medicine’s perspective on the physiological action of the herbs. The Chinese medicine approach pays special attention to the whole effect, through combinations of herbs, in conjunction with using a herb formula which is built to suit the individual symptom pattern and diagnosis of each person – there is never one prescription for everyone who has the same condition.
Combining Chinese herbs is an art. Chinese Medicine does not treat specific individual symptoms. Instead, it looks at the entire symptom complex in the body, known as the syndrome. Every individual is considered to have unique symptom complexes regardless of the disease. Thus, herbs used are adjusted to individualize the formula according to the individual patient.
Close supervision is necessary when any type of medication is ingested. This includes Chinese herbal formulas. A person receiving Chinese herbs should be under the care of a trained, licensed and competent practitioner, who can differentiate any possible side effects of herbs from organic conditions, as well understanding how to work collaterally with pharmaceuticals safely.
Chinese herbs are a natural way of treating the body, and are used as the whole herb, rather than an extracted portion. In this way, and in conjunction with the Chinese medicine approach to health, the holistic system of action is used, which has better therapeutic effects, and less adverse effects.